I felt very alone, stuck and depressed. I felt lost and stagnated in my environment constantly and at the time I was simply unequipped with the tools, mindsets and skillsets to be able to get through these circumstances in a healthy and productive way. I learned how to cope with life and just get by, barely surviving, rather than thriving.
I became a psychic unbeknownst to me because I had to learn how to read the energies of people and my environment for survival and safety at a very young age.
These skills spilled over into my adult life and as I realized that I can tap into people’s pains, auric fields and stagnant frequencies. Seeing the root cause of these is one of my greatest gifts.
So what turned my life around to be the woman you see today?
When I was able to forgive my parents and let go of the resentment for not having the childhood I wished I would have had, by using the modalities that I teach, I was able to transcend.
Today my mission is to raise the vibration of the planet to create a better world for women, children and families to end the cycles of dysfunctional and traumatic families and communities.
I’m passionate about empowering, mentoring and raising up the next generation of conscious, healthy moms so that they can heal and bless their communities with their special gifts.
My business exists to clear lifetimes of traumas and ancestral and emotional blockages so that women can learn they deserve it all. My team and I do that by providing 1-1 private mentoring and coaching, certifications, courses, retreats, and psychic mediumship development.
One of my favorite ways I deliver this information is through the Mediumship Muse podcast where I dive into conversations about spiritual clarity, as well as special modalities and mechanisms to heal, harness the power of healing phenomena and share your gifts in a way that makes a massive difference in people’s lives as you get abundantly paid.
Learn about my various programs, certifications, and transformational experiences I take my clients through by visiting my “Work With Me” Page
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